Jabsco IT18690-0000 120V AC Heavy Duty Macerator Pump
(250) 386-2341


Jabsco IT18690-0000 120V AC Heavy Duty Macerator Pump

Jabsco IT18690-0000 120V AC Heavy Duty Macerator Pump View full description

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The Jabsco 18690-0000 AC macerator pump unit is the ideal answer to waste handling problems for marine, recreational vehicle and domestic uses. The macerator section grinds waste down to a particle size of 1/8" maximum so it can be pumped easily through a 1" hose discharge line. The pump is self-priming, permitting the unit to be mounted above or below the tank in a convenient location. For optimal efficiency, locate pump as close to waste source as practical.

Empties a 30 gallon holding tank in only 3 minutes. The 18690-0000 waste pump will macerate and pump all waste and tissue normally found in marine waste systems. IT WILL NOT HANDLE HARD SOLID OBJECTS, SANITARY NAPKINS OR RAGS.

Head Capacity Table
• 5 ft of head = 14.0 GPM
• 10 ft of head = 13.0 GPM
• 20 ft of head = 10.0 GPM
• 30 ft of head = 7.5 GPM
Flow rates are for water, capacity may be slightly reduced when handling heavy solids. Full load Amps – 7.2

Locating the pump: The Jabsco AC macerator pump unit is self-priming to a six foot lift and may be located at any convenient point in the waste discharge system. It should be mounted upright so the motor’s bearing lube channels are accessible and to prevent the oil from draining out of them. For optimal efficiency, locate pump as close to waste source as practical. Ideally, if connected to the bottom of the holding tank, the hose length should be long enough so the hose-to-pump connection can be raised above the maximum liquid level should service be needed when the tank is full.
Plumbing Connections: Use 1-1/2" ID non-collapsible suction hose. Attach suction hose to the inlet port and secure it with a quality marine grade hose clamp. All suction connections must be airtight and free of sharp bends or restrictions. Use minimum 1" ID contractors hose for discharge.
Be sure adequate voltage and current capacity is available in electrical installation.

Operating Instructions
The Jabsco macerator pump unit has been designed to handle waste, toilet tissue, and facial tissue. It will also handle solids such as filter tip cigarettes, cigars and chunks of soft fruits or vegetables less than 1" in size. It will NOT pump solid objects like peach pits, rags, or sanitary napkins. The holding tank and pump should be flushed with several gallons of water after each pumpout. Do NOT run pump dry for longer than 30 seconds.

Amps 5A
Fuse or Breaker Thermal protection
GPM 16
Inlet Ports 1-1/2" (38 mm) NPT Male & 1-1/2' (38 mm) barb
Outlet Port 1" (25.4 mm) Hose barb
Volts 115 VAC
Weight 19 lbs